"Karma" Choreography by Tessa Shanley

If you read my February newsletter, you saw that I was dancing on my birthday. It was the shoot day for a performance workshop series. So on-brand for me. I went to an audition once on my birthday because I was in a new city and didn't really know anyone. Another story for another time. It was a fun evening. I wanted more practice performing for the camera so I joined Tessa Shanley's filmed performance workshop. So did I perform though??

The solo. I said on Instagram that I don't think the Universe seeks revenge. The language of the Universe includes energy, balance, and reciprocity. What you give, you get.

Gotta love a good behind-the-scenes shot. Shoutout to the dance friends who always have space on their phones and automatically do it for folks. Yee.

The surprise after the solo.

It was so sweet, and I should've known something was up when Tessa was working through "technical difficulties"! But I was also grateful for the extra runs.

The final run with everyone.

What's cool about performance workshops is that everyone's solo tells a different story. We get a chance to get comfortable with the movement and opportunities to explore choices. And own it. This group run showcased that, I think. I watched everyone's solo video several times!